"Roof Garden"

Helping The Bees With A Garden On Top Of Your Office

Planting a small garden on a building’s roof or terrace is the ultimate trend in urban landscaping, bringing a touch of greenery to the work environment and the grey cityscape.

Access to outdoor space is a vital component of a healthy work environment and a critical part of sustainable development. Contact with nature increases productivity, reduces fatigue and stress, and help fight anxiety and depression.

Rooftop gardens provide a great place to pop outside for a well-deserved break for hard-working employees, but even more importantly they offer essential microhabitats to birds & insects, particularly bees.

Bees are crucial to our economy, food production, and biodiversity.

As their habitat is swallowed up by urban areas, bee populations are dramatically decreasing worldwide, so we should do everything in our reach to help preserve them.

Office roof gardens can effectively increase the number of these precious habitats fostering urban ecology wherever they are. If carefully designed and planted with a wide variety of sedums and native flowers, they can provide incredibly important forage habitat for native bees and honeybees in urban environments.

Here at Grasshopper Services we specialise in roof garden design and maintenance. Call our expert team now.

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